David Gushee

The French Dreyfus Affair and Trump’s Big Lie

We are witnessing an extraordinarily disturbing juxtaposition in U.S. politics right now. In Washington, the January 6 Committee, primarily using testimony from Republicans and former Trump administration officials, is once again shredding Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, meanwhile revealing the extent and damage of Trump’s desperate, likely criminal attempt

The French Dreyfus Affair and Trump’s Big Lie

US Capitol

Is ‘Fascism’ the Right Name for the Trumpist Hard Right in America?

Long after it seemed dead and buried with Mussolini and Hitler, the term “fascism” has been making a comeback — not as the self-description of authoritarian politicians and parties, but as an epithet applied by their enemies, or as an analytical category applied by scholars. It is not uncommon, for example, for leaders ranging from Vladimir

Is ‘Fascism’ the Right Name for the Trumpist Hard Right in America?

Southern Baptist Conv RNS photo

Southern Baptists, Sex Abuse, and Systemic Evil

Having abandoned the denomination in which I was converted over forty years ago, I am not a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), whose moral credibility has just been torn to shreds by the devastating Guidepost Solutions report on twenty years of SBC Executive Committee (EC) mishandling of sexual abuse allegations in SBC churches. But I

Southern Baptists, Sex Abuse, and Systemic Evil

Hasidic Jewish Man

Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions

In 2015, highly esteemed Princeton political philosopher Michael Walzer published The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions. The title itself immediately arrested me, as it crystallized a current intuition of mine. I believe the United States and several other countries are currently experiencing religious counterrevolutions to the cultural and moral (often labeled “secular”) revolutions that

Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions

War in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Just War

At one level, the Christian debate about the morality of war is ancient and timeless. Juxtaposed against the ubiquitous warfare of human history stands Jesus Christ, who taught enemy-love, nonretaliation and peacemaking, and went to his death on the Cross without defending himself. Anyone who takes the Gospel accounts of Jesus at all seriously must be

Ukraine’s Just War

Dead Russian Soldier in Ukraine

Ethicists Without Borders Issues Statement on Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine

Ethicists without Borders is a Facebook group spearheaded by the distinguished Christian ethicist Tobias Winright of St. Louis University. This group has just released the statement below. I am a signatory. Note the following elements: This statement calls what is going on by its right name — not vague worries about “the conflict in Ukraine,”

Ethicists Without Borders Issues Statement on Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine

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